- Limp dish rag Leanne won Project Runway, defeating the petulant, old-tymey porcelain doll Kenley and Korto from Liberia, whose presence induced compulsive praise of her "ethnic" designs that worked on women of "all sizes," qualities that sound good to the average human, but in the fashion world are actually equivalent to "made from the blood of Gentile children."
- Barry and John-Boy faced off for the final time last night. John-Boy got in a few zingers, if you think "I am not George Bush" is a zinger, but his compulsive blinking, incurable rictus, and erotomaniacal fixation upon one Joe the Plumber proved major hindrances for him in the opinion polls.
- Jonathan and I finished the first season DVD of Mad Men, which, unlike almost everything in the world, actually lived up to what people said it was, which is: quite excellent. Also, spoiler alert, in the finale the characters smoke, drink, and treat women like objects. Also, Peggy is apparently like one of those people who don't know they're pregnant until they go to poop one day and a baby plops into the potty. You can see them on Montell and the like.
A History of Sex Workers and Oscar Wins
8 hours ago
Thank you for the "potty plop" LOL moment.
you're welcome! i am happy to make a doody joke any time.
I added 'Mad Men' to my Netflix queue, but it looks like it's only available on BluRay. What's up with that? Or is that a Netflix-only retardance?
Also, why'd you drop my blog from your friends' list???
Well I'm just here to say it's about time one of you BTs came back to life - it's almost a week since we last heard from you.
Now that you finished the Mad Men DVD you can return it back to Jeanette so that we can watch it! I am curious to see the origins of my former work-hell.
im with jeanette's mom. where are you guys!!?!??!
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