Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Breaking News: Walnuts Strikes Back

The Real World: Key West's beloved Paula Walnuts persists in her attempts to seize Tanya's title as Most Unbalanced Female to ever appear on one of the show's 17 seasons. Though some of us may admire the perserverance and discipline** required to have anorexia (I'm looking at you, Fleish), few would applaud biting one's own boyfriend to gain re-entry into his home. But hey, maybe this is the only way this faux-famine victim can get her revenge for the time the dude landed her in the hospital. Or maybe, as Defamer speculates, Paula abruptly decided to return to solid meals with the nearest meat in her vicinity.

**disquieting compulsive tendencies


Anonymous said...

I eat, a lot.... i just happen to throw it up after.

J.J. said...

I think "Paula Walnuts" is the greatest nickname ever bestowed on anyone. I think it has to do with its assonance, and the inclusion of "nuts." It's just so goddamn fun to say. It has a melody all its own.

J.J. said...

Also, can you please explain (in a post) why you have Lucky Louie in your "To Watch" column? The show is a rotten doppleganger of Everybody Loves Raymond, with a dash of Men Behaving Badly and The Man SHow.

Alanna said...

Paula Walnuts was actually bestowed upon her by her castmates. It's a variation on the character Paulie Walnuts from The Sopranos. Hey, the Real Worlders did something right.

I think Lucky Louie has its moments, plus it's that rare sitcom that represents working-class people. (Has there really been anything since Roseanne?) Raymond had pretty cushy Long Island digs.

Jeanette said...

Unfortunately, the trend is to have blue collars on TV in the same way one has animals in the zoo. Just like "My Name is Earl." As the NY Times argued yesterday, America's Got Talent is supposed to show us what we're REALL like.